ST. Francis School
Institution Unique Code: 83625
Year Of Establishment: 1978 | Institution Type: 5.School Under Class 12 Affiliated |Affiliated From: ICSE | Class UpTo :
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Postal Address
ST.Francis School Harmu , Ranchi-834002, Jharkhand , City: Ranchi , State: JHARKHAND
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About Institution:
St. Francis School, Ranchi, founded in 1978, is an English Medum co-educational school establishment and conducted by T.O.R. FRANCISCAN SOCIETY,a registered Charitable Society, having its headquarters at Ranchi,Jharkhand.The School conducts classes from Nursery to XII Standard and is affiliated to the council for the Indian School Certificate Examination,New Delhi.
Managed and taught by dedicated and qualified Sisters,Fathers and Brothers, the T.O.R Franciscan Society runs several schools in india and abroad where young pupils belonging to every caste,creed,socioeconomic, cultural and linguistic groups are educated through the medium of English and respective regional languages.
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Awards / Success Story / Achievements
No Award has been provided to this Institution. (इस संस्थान को कोई पुरस्कार प्रदान नहीं किया गया है।)
Scholorship Scheme from this Institution
No Scholorship Scheme is offered by this Institution. (इस संस्थान द्वारा कोई छात्रवृत्ति योजना प्रदान नहीं की जाती है।)